Modeling & Historical Notes
Check out the links below for interesting and informative articles on finishing and painting metal kits, converting one ship to another, naval wargaming, histories, pictures , warship stats, and more!
By Various Authors
A conversion project is the modifying of a ship model to the configuration of another ship in the same class. This can be one of the most enjoyable parts of collecting 1:1200 models and enables you to add more ships to your collection. Following are suggested projects and the instructions for completing them. It helps also to have photos of the ships with which you are working.
By Wayne Smith
The Fleet That Never Was consists of models of ships that were proposed and planned but were never built (“Never-Weres”). All have an historical background even if it was just on paper. After you’ve boned up on this fascinating topic, head over to our Never-Were’s page where you can buy 1:1200 models of the proposed ships mentioned in the article.
By Various Authors
This is generally considered to be the first naval wargame for use with miniature warship models. Wargaming rules since then, such as Alnavco’s SEAPOWER (See Warship Data section in this site.), have been greatly expanded and improved but…
By Various Authors
Presented here is a series of articles on the subject of assembling and painting Superior 1:1200 (and also 1:2400) ship model kits. They are written by experienced, expert modelers and should prove very helpful in your modeling efforts.
By Rolf Mitchel, Las Cruces, NM
Many collectors like to display their models in the realistic setting of water. This article offers tips and tricks on how to construct a water diorama base for waterline models.
By Various Authors
Here are general naval reference works compiled mostly from articles sent in by our customers which were printed some years back in the Alnavco LOG. We invite our current customers…
By Alnavco
Abraham Slonim founded Comet Metal Products in 1919 as a die-casting company. In 1935 his sons, Joseph and Samuel joined the company. Originally located in Richmond Hills, Queens, New York, the company produced 10,000,000 models during WWII at a cost to the Federal Government of $5,000,000. Their patented centrifugal…
By Alnavco
Here’s a blast from the past for you. A customer of ours scanned in some of our first catalogs (“The Alnavco Log”). See how collectors and wargamers spent their hard earned paychecks back in 1968.